Economics is the engine that drives the destiny of mankind. Its importance can therefore, never be underestimated. A quick trip through time reveals just that: almost all wars are fought around money – either to safeguard economic wealth or to obtain it – the French revolution, the American revolution and near home our struggle for independence, are all examples of the same – control over assets and wealth.
The story is no different today. The three top economies of the world – USA, Japan and UK exercise a great influence on the rest of the world – from wars such as the one fought in Iraq to what we eat (Maggi, Cadbury’s, Coke, Pepsi, Kelloggs, Mcdonald’s etc.).
If wealth is the world’s lifeblood, economics explains it’s functioning and finance its application. Economic theory inevitably creates wealth.
If wealth creation is something that interests you, an MBA in Finance can help you do just that. And there are many avenues where your skills can be applied to generate wealth:
- Corporate finance
- Stock exchanges and money markets.
- Insurance
- Banks and financial institutions (including investment and merchant banking, mutual funds).
- Software companies that create financial software.
- Rating companies such as CRISIL.
- BPOs that deal with finance.
- Market research companies that do financial research.
- Financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economic Times, etc.
- World financial organisations such as the IMF and World Bank.
- Governments
- Your own entrepreneurial unit.
Jobs in the financial sector are very rewarding as you not only earn large amounts of money but also occupy positions of power in the corporate hierarchy. However, to get there you need to acquire the MBA degree in Finance.
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