Category: Ask MBA Pundit
Choosing an MBA School
Types of School There is a lot of choice when it comes to taking an MBA, and a whole bunch of criteria to consider. The schools all proclaim that their MBA is unique and valuable and that theirs is the one you should choose. They may well be right. As far as I can tell…
MBA Essays
I guess the most useful thing I can do here is post up my essays for people to look at. My basic thoughts when I was writing them were Explain why I wanted to do an MBA Explain why I wanted to do an MBA at Oxford Highlight my strengths / achievements / etc. Provide…
Your MBA Application
A full MBA Application will typically comprise An application form Application essays References Supporting material Most of these things are fairly straightforward. The MBA Application form asks you to provide run of the mill information – name, address, academic history, career history and so on. The forms I saw didn’t provide a lot of space…
The GMAT exam was the most worrying, stressful and generally unpleasant part of the application experience. It was also expensive. For those who don’t know (and I’d never heard of it before this) the GMAT is a set of tests designed to measure your linguistic and numerical skills. Its closest relative is the American SAT…
Finance 1 – an MBA course at Said Business School
A core course taken in the first term 8 lectures Examined by case study (12.5%), spreadsheet (12.5%) exercise and Exam (75%) Pre-course thoughts As I’ve commented earlier I suspect money is like gravity when it comes to business, it affects everything, so you’d better understand the basics. Sadly, money is measured in numbers which means…