Category: MBA Perspectives

  • Is an MBA Worth it?

    There is a scene from a FedEx commercial aired on U.S. TV a few years ago. It liveson at Youtube, where two different postings of the 30-second ad have been viewed almost 91,000 times (type in key words “FedEx” and “MBA” at to view the spot). The ad closes with the narrated tag line:…

  • 5 Types of People IIM’s are biased against

    Though the criteria for selection in the various IIM’s have changed for the better in the past few years, there are still some types of people whom feel biased against by the IIM’s. Though the IIM’s may have succeeded in having better diversity in their classes by setting very skewed criteria, they are going against…

  • MBA : 5 Myths about MBA programme and MBA Degree

    MBA : 5 Myths about MBA programme and MBA Degree

    MBA is a very hot programme in India as of now. Every year we see lakhs of students applying to various MBA institutes. It is so big that it is now seen as a very big business in India. So, you would expect everyone to have a lot of info about MBA.. right?? Wrong.. There…

  • Only one test for MBA entrance from 2013

    Only one test for MBA entrance from 2013

    CMAT or the Common Management Admission Test, would be the only test to be conducted for admission to all management institutes approved by AICTE. Only deemed universities and institutions like IIM’s would have the choice of having their own exam. This means that except for CAT, FMS, SNAP and maybe XAT, all other major MBA…

  • What the importance of MBA degree when searching a job in India?

    What the importance of MBA degree when searching a job in India?

    According to the researches, in the Indian labor market the rate of vacancies where MBA degree is a compulsory requirement doesn’t exceed 6-7%. Indian executives are sure that salary demands of candidates having MBA are often excessively increased, and so they prefer employing experienced workforce with lesser salary demands. Thus, there is sometimes no reason…