Category: Education

  • Dollar as the world‘s reserve currency – Is it helping ?

    It was after the second world war that the UK sterling lost its power as the world‘s reserve currency and the world leaders convened at Brenton Woods, to decide on a new financial and monetary policy for international exchanges. It was here, in the Brenton Woods Summit, that the dollar was chosen as the reserve…

  • A Quick and Definitive Guide to Negative Brainstorming

    Have you ever come upon a time during projects, that a problem that you face just seems unsolvable? On the other hand, do you still feel that there may be some ideas that you have not come up with yet? A different approach to brainstorming might be of some help. In this article, we aim…

  • How to prepare for a successful job interview

    Well, job interviewing never seems to get any easier – even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. However, there are some important things you can do to prepare before the interview to give yourself the best possible chance of landing that dream job. First, practice. Practice answering interview questions and…