An MBA degree could really give your career a boost. This higher education degree needs to be taken seriously. So, before you start to prepare for the MBA application procedures make sure that you have already made up your mind. After all, your intentions would be scrutinized in the MBA admission essay. To help you help you clear things out, read the following MBA admission essay questions.
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Why do you want an MBA degree?
This is a common question that you would encounter in the MBA admission essay. The screening committee would like to know the reason behind your decision. The answer you would write in your MBA admission essay must be clear. The MBA admission essay is designed to ascertain your purpose and readiness for a Master’s degree. So, doubts don’t have a place in this admission requirement.
Are you ready for an MBA degree?
Although an MBA program only takes two years to complete, the MBA subjects you would take are intensive. That is why an MBA degree requires preparation. You might need to take business courses. If you’re undergraduate degree is not related to business, state the business-related courses you have taken in your MBA admission essay. Use your MBA admission essay to cite particular instances that could show your maturity and leadership. Your MBA admission essay could also be an evidence of your educational training. To ensure a good impression, proofread your essay before submitting it.
How are your stats: GPA and GMAT scores?
There are graduate business schools that require their applicants to take the Graduate Management Admission Test or GMAT. The Grade Point Average or GPA is also an admission basis. A fair GMAT score or GPA would not cut down your admission chances. You can use your MBA admission essay to make up for the grade requirements. Write an MBA admission essay that would persuade the admission committee that you are qualified. You can do this by mentioning your affiliations. You could also include your extra curricular activities in your MBA admission essay.
How would an MBA degree be of use to you?
This MBA admission essay question is not only designed to ensure that you would benefit from the MBA degree. It is structured to help the admissions committee clarify your purpose. It would be best to state an answer that is both realistic and practical.
Financially, an MBA degree could be considered as an investment. So, take the time to decide. This might help you easily evaluate your need for an MBA degree.
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