Author: MBA Pundit

  • 10 Fashion Accessories for the MBA Student

    In the businessworld, your corporate attire is dependent upon the company’s culture. Working in media, music, fashion, or advertising lends to daring trends and bolder statements. The financial and consulting worlds frown upon too much pizzazz… conservatism is key. So how in the world can I write a fashion piece to appeal to the entire…

  • Hear My Roar

    Unlike other graduate programs, MBA programs do not accurately represent the make-up of the US population, where women represent more than 50% of US citizens. Medical and law schools are far ahead of business schools with a male to female ratio close to 50/50. The University of Michigan Medical School’s female enrollment in 2001 was…

  • The Waiting Game

    Those of you who have gone through the business school application process will identify with this article and those of you who haven’t should pay attention because this is a good description of what you can expect when you apply. As I sit here at my laptop on the night of January 20, 2004, I…

  • Marketing Management – an MBA course at Said Business School

    A core course taken in the second term 8 lectures Examined by 21 case studies (100%) Post course thoughts This class was 100% case study. The assessment,the teaching, pretty much everything was case study. And not your average nicely written Harvard case study either. Most of them were only a side of A4. A side…

  • Strategic Management – an MBA course at Said Business School

    Strategic Management – an MBA course at Said Business School

    A core course taken in the first term 8 lectures Examined by case study (20%) and examination (80%) Pre-course thoughts Welcome to the big picture. I read Jack Welch’s autobiography recently, and I suspect this is an introduction to the stuff he seemed to spend his time thinking about. Which companies to buy, which industries…