Category: MBA Preparation

  • Do not let your MBA Dream die

    Like every other Indian, cricket is my passion and will always be. The game can teach you a lot and believe me CAT or for that matter of fact other entrance exams are in some way related to cricket. This article will not give you any thing related to IIMs or IMTs or IITs. The…

  • Do Extra-Curriculars help to get approved at a B-School?

    There isn’t necessarily one “ideal” for all programs and all institutions. This will vary. It is to someone’s advantage to be involved in professional organizations or other extracurricular activities, particularly when a leadership role has been held. Internship and full-time experience is important to many business programs. Some programs require full-time work experience, while others,…

  • What Do B-Schools look for in an Applicant?

    Business schools, particularly for the MBA, often look for three to four years of full-time work experience. Sometimes, they will also consider internship or co-op experience as long as it’s relevant to business. They often look for leadership potential, so it’s important to put leadership positions you have held on your application or resume. A…

  • My GMAT Experience – A Guest Post

    It was about a year ago that I came to Barcelona. I was on my “campaign” looking for an appropriate job in Spain, and it was then that I decided to start preparing for the studies which I planned to undertake in a couple of years’ time. My brother had just entered the INSEAD MBA,…

  • Tackling the Reading comprehension section of GMAT

    The Verbal section of the GMAT will contain two written passages (each between 400 – 600 words long) followed by a series of questions. Passages can be about any subject, but the most common themes are politics, history, science, business and the humanities. Most readers find the passages difficult because the subject matter is dry…