Category: Ask MBA Pundit
Deciding Between MBA Schools
Ok, you spent all those months on the GMAT, your applications, your recommendations, and then it comes down to a wait. A long one. Miserably long. How many times have I checked Business Week today, you ask yourself. Well, might as well go check your e-mail for the 23rd time instead. And then suddenly your…
Choosing Schools – A primer for those new to the process
One of the first, and most important, decisions that you will have to make in your quest for business school is deciding what schools you will apply to. This decision really must be made in two parts. First, there are high-level factors to consider, such as how many schools will you apply to, and then…
Personality Development and CAT
CAT is the route to being a manager and the only way to do that is to think and act like a manager from now itself. Success in CAT is reward for displaying managerial potential in the test. Thus it is a test of one’s Aptitude for the right Attitude. Therefore, if you are serious…
Do’s and Don’ts after Not Succeeding at CAT
It’s every CAT aspirant’s recurrent nightmare. To wait for what seems like an agonizingly long period after the exam only to be rudely informed that you are not in. Of course, the world does not fall on your head once the results are declared but for a good many that don’t make it, life is…
Specialised Institutions for Finance Management
Economics is the engine that drives the destiny of mankind. Its importance can therefore, never be underestimated. A quick trip through time reveals just that: almost all wars are fought around money – either to safeguard economic wealth or to obtain it – the French revolution, the American revolution and near home our struggle for…