Category: Ask MBA Pundit

  • MBA Application – Round-1 Checklist

    MBA Application – Round-1 Checklist

    As Round-1 deadline approaches, I want to share some important last-minute advice on your application. Although I am not in the Admissions Committee, I think there are some general guidelines that are important to follow when submitting your application. Oftentimes, an application is denied because of small details that we didn’t see or forgot to…

  • Cracking the GMAT

    Cracking the GMAT

    It’s easy to forget that the MBA is an academic program, but having to take the GMAT before applying quickly reminds people of this fact. Personally I focused on the GMAT aiming for 800. The other day, I was listening to some guys talking, and one was saying “if only I can get above 700,…

  • GDs – What students have to say

    GDs – What students have to say

    Most of the entrance tests leading you to a B-School are over by now and the results to some of them have already been declared. The next part of the screening process, the GDs and the PIs, will begin soon. It’s almost like – the tests are over, the tests have begun! For, the GDs…

  • Debunking Common MBA Admissions Myths (Part 3)

    Debunking Common MBA Admissions Myths (Part 3)

    MBA Admissions Myth #4: I should get my recommendations from people in my company who have impressive job titles. Your recommenders job title will not help you get accepted to any B-school. AdCom wants recommendations from people who really know you so it is important to choose your recommenders very carefully. A good recommendation can…

  • To Generalise or Specialise with a Niche MBA?

    To Generalise or Specialise with a Niche MBA?

    Generally Specialised As one of the world’s fastest growing economies, India has made enormous strides in economic and social development in the past two decades. The strong economic indicators in India can be attributed to its strengths in today’s knowledge-based global economy. India already has a vast pool of highly educated and vocationally qualified people…