Category: Business

  • 8 Tips for Running an Effective Meeting

    A look at what makes most meetings seem like a waste of time and offers suggestions regarding how to make meetings worthwhile. Running a productive meeting requires more than just following Robert’s Rules of Order. To avoid becoming a serious waste of time for many people, a meeting needs to have a shape and accomplish…

  • Is Aerial Advertising Taking Off?

    Aerial advertising refers to advertising using banners that are towed by small airplanes. Running a successful business depends on many factors, the most important of which is probably advertising. You may be selling excellent products or services, but if consumers and potential clients are not aware of their existence, your business may not go exactly…

  • Online Degrees Are Attractive For Busy Lifestyles

    Online degrees are now more popular for anyone who needs to continue their education and maintain a job or look after the family all at once. They are offered from a vast selection of sources ranging from accredited universities to fake ‘diploma mills’ that give out certifications with no requirements other than cash. Online education…

  • The ‘Four Ps’ of Guest Blogging

    Guest posting is on every blogger’s mind when it comes to improving domain ranking and traffic stats. It’s an intimidating task at first, but if you follow a few basic rules and put in some genuine effort, you lower your chances of miserably failing and spending your life in tainted embarrassment. OK, that wouldn’t happen,…

  • How Do I make an Effective Presentation

    The way in which information is presented will also affect the value that the audience put on it. If the presentation is unplanned or unprofessional then this may reduce its impact. There are some situations where informal presentation of information is acceptable – in brainstorming sessions for example. Mostly however the way that the information…