Tag: job

  • Do Extra-Curriculars help to get approved at a B-School?

    There isn’t necessarily one “ideal” for all programs and all institutions. This will vary. It is to someone’s advantage to be involved in professional organizations or other extracurricular activities, particularly when a leadership role has been held. Internship and full-time experience is important to many business programs. Some programs require full-time work experience, while others,…

  • My GMAT Experience – A Guest Post

    It was about a year ago that I came to Barcelona. I was on my “campaign” looking for an appropriate job in Spain, and it was then that I decided to start preparing for the studies which I planned to undertake in a couple of years’ time. My brother had just entered the INSEAD MBA,…

  • What the importance of MBA degree when searching a job in India?

    What the importance of MBA degree when searching a job in India?

    According to the researches, in the Indian labor market the rate of vacancies where MBA degree is a compulsory requirement doesn’t exceed 6-7%. Indian executives are sure that salary demands of candidates having MBA are often excessively increased, and so they prefer employing experienced workforce with lesser salary demands. Thus, there is sometimes no reason…

  • Should you attend graduate school if you want a business degree?

    Should you attend graduate school if you want a business degree?

    I’m not sure if I’m interpreting this question correctly, so I’ll try to answer it a couple of ways. Some institutions consider a business degree to be a professional degree (for example, some consider the MBA to be a professional degree; other institutions consider it a graduate degree). Ultimately, your long-term career goals and what’s…

  • Debunking Common MBA Admissions Myths (Part 3)

    Debunking Common MBA Admissions Myths (Part 3)

    MBA Admissions Myth #4: I should get my recommendations from people in my company who have impressive job titles. Your recommenders job title will not help you get accepted to any B-school. AdCom wants recommendations from people who really know you so it is important to choose your recommenders very carefully. A good recommendation can…