Tag: MBA
Is MBA losing its Sheen?
The Question is very relevant but we also need to find out if it a global phenomenon or an Indian one. Recently an article was published on Economic Times. Let us have a look at what the article finds in the below quote: “When the economy does well, the applications drop. During a downturn, more…
What the importance of MBA degree when searching a job in India?
According to the researches, in the Indian labor market the rate of vacancies where MBA degree is a compulsory requirement doesn’t exceed 6-7%. Indian executives are sure that salary demands of candidates having MBA are often excessively increased, and so they prefer employing experienced workforce with lesser salary demands. Thus, there is sometimes no reason…
11 Steps to Successfully choose your MBA School
Firstly decide on your objective and real motivation for having an MBA. Do you want an MBA: for filling in a period for unemployment? because it’s there, as Mt Everest was for Sir Edmund Hilary? to do your present job more effectively? to get an internal or external promotion? to get employment in a specific…
Last Minute CAT Preparation Guide
M.B.A – Master of Business Administration, a degree many of you have been hearing ever since you learnt about taking jobs, especially during your high school days. Apart from becoming a doctor, or an engineer, this is one degree that will never get out of fashion, and is one of the most coveted one’s. Nowadays,…
Debunking Common MBA Admissions Myths (Part 3)
MBA Admissions Myth #4: I should get my recommendations from people in my company who have impressive job titles. Your recommenders job title will not help you get accepted to any B-school. AdCom wants recommendations from people who really know you so it is important to choose your recommenders very carefully. A good recommendation can…