Advantages of a Full-Time / Executive MBA Program

All MBA Programs offered today at business schools all over the globe are conveniently divided into Full-time, Part-time, Distance-Learning and Executive Education. Today Full-time and Executive MBA Programs appear the most popular among students and managers. Both of them have specific advantages.

For instance, Full-time MBA will perfectly suit those who wish to change the industry of his/her activity and needs a sort of a transition period to get reequipped for a new workplace.

Most business schools offer two-year long Full-time programs comprising the whole scope of courses in every domain of management. Each year is divided into two or sometimes three semesters. The first year of studies implies the core curriculum amounting to almost 40% of the whole program. The second year, however, is a more choice-based, since students have to select 12 electives to match their interests and professional aspirations.

Executive MBA programs are much younger than their Full-time counterparts. If an average Full-time applicant has to have at least two years of work history, a typical Executive MBA student can boast over seven years of pure managerial experience.

An Executive MBA is reluctant to leave his/her current job and longs for professional improvement here and now. Moreover his/her employer, if the student is not self-employed of course, is so much interested in retaining such an invaluable specialist that he/she is eager to cover all the tuition fees and secure the student’s part time working day schedule for the whole study period.

The length of the Executive MBA Program depends on the institution’s location. In Europe it would most often last for a year, while it will take you two years of studies to complete your Executive MBA in the US. Classes take place either on weekends or one of the weekdays.

Along with traditional lectures and seminars the curriculum of both, Full-time and Executive MBA programs, is rich in innovative training approaches, including case studies, games, computer modeling, group work, project development for real enterprises and large-scale companies, online studies etc., depending on the school’s vision.


One response to “Advantages of a Full-Time / Executive MBA Program”

  1. […] This kind of course is suitable for those who want to switch careers entirely. The tenure of full-time MBA courses is around two years, so it covers all the subjects which are prominent for the […]

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