Tag: Entrepreneur

  • Starting a Business

    Starting a Business

    When you go about starting a small business it is wise to carry around a business compendium with you, complete with a notepad with which you will take important notes. If you’ve already got an idea, or a few ideas in your head about the business you will be starting – it would be wise…

  • Your Contract to Yourself

    Your Contract to Yourself

    This is the final step of poking around in your head before the business planning nitty-gritty (research and development). We are going to write your contract to yourself. It is vital we go through the yards of examining your underlying intentions – examining, confirming and building the psychological foundations for you to survive and grow…

  • Your External Purpose

    Your External Purpose

    Your external purpose is opposite to our previous task of looking into your personal intentions in this business that you will start (or have already started). In this exercise you will be asking yourself what your product or service would allow your clients and consumers to do. Remember to write your ideas, then commit yourself…

  • Your Personal Purpose

    Your Personal Purpose

    As you can see, if you have followed the steps of planning your business, it isn’t always about getting down to business. The goal is to succeed in the long-term, and we all know that most businesses go belly up in the first years. This due diligence allows us to explore our underlying drive which…

  • The Importance of Why

    The Importance of Why

    Asking the “why?” question in an important step in your business development. You will continuously be bombarded by people cutting you down and challenging your dreams. That is why it is important that you need to understand your own personal underlying reason you want to start your business. The answer to the “why” question will…